
Al Jazeera America

Timeline: U.S.-Cuba Relations by (7/24/2015) Key events in the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba, culminating in Fidel Castro’s seizure of power in 1959 [with Hermela Aregawi]

Star Wars Desert Rave (2/28/2015) Thousands flock to movie sets in Tunisian dunes despite political and economic turbulence [text by Yasmine Ryan, photos by Tara Todras-Whitehill, produced by Joanna S. Kao, edited by Vaughn Wallace and me]

Argentina bombing investigation crisis deepens (2/11/2015) Tracing key events from the bomb blast that killed 85 people in 1994 to the mysterious death of prosecutor Nisman

Timeline: School shootings since Sandy Hook (1/26/2015) US cases of firearms discharged at K–12 schools, with staff or students involved, since December 2012 [with Joshua Eaton]

Protests over missing students spread in Mexico (11/20/2014) A chronology of the disappearance of 43 students from a teachers’ college in Mexico and its aftermath

Infographic: Ukraine’s 2014 presidential election (5/23/2014) Explaining notable candidates, political parties, opinion polls and regional status votes [with Ben Willers]

Map: Kiev losing control of eastern Ukraine (5/2/2014) Some cities and towns of industrial Donbas region have been taken over by pro-Russian separatists allied with Moscow [with Hashem Said]

Journey to nowhere: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (3/19/2014) Map-timeline shows what we know about when and where the missing Boeing 777 aircraft deviated from its route to Beijing [with Dexter Mullins]

Olympics 2014: The long road to Sochi’s Winter Games (2/6/2014) From winning the host city bid in 2007 to infrastructure construction, security fears and controversies over gay rights.

From Virginia Slims to smoke-free states: 50 years of US smoking culture (1/15/2014) In 1964, Surgeon General reported link between tobacco and cancer. Smoking debates now center on quitting, e-cigarettes.

Timeline of Edward Snowden’s revelations (8/30/13) An in-depth look back at several months of leaks by the ex-NSA contractor who fled from Hawaii to Hong Kong to Russia after releasing loads of documents on surveillance in the U.S. and around the world [with Joshua Eaton]

Map: Syria attack targets and Western military assets (8/28/13) View detailed information on potential strike locales, US naval warships and suspected chemical weapons sites.

Al Jazeera English

Infographic: Choosing Iran’s next president (6/11/13) As Iranian polls near, Al Jazeera explores the country’s electoral system, candidates and ideological divisions. (with Ben Willers)

Iraq’s most wanted: Where are they now? (4/10/13) Ten years after the fall of Baghdad, Al Jazeera looks at what became of the Iraq invasion’s top players. (with Simon Ramsey and Sophie Sportiche)

Infographic: Road to war on Korean Peninsula? (4/5/13) Timeline of recent events in Northeast Asia shows major increase in threats between Pyongyang and its adversaries. (with Ben Willers)

Infographic: Turmoil over Bangladesh tribunal (3/28/13) Al Jazeera looks at issues surrounding controversial war crimes trials that have divided the South Asian nation. (with Sumi Khan and Jeremy Swinarton)

Iraq: Powering up after a decade down (3/20/13) Explore how electricity problems have plagued Baghdad and beyond by comparing government data with citizen reports. (with Mohammed Haddad)

Infographic: Global South is rising fast (3/14/13) Flagship human development report by United Nations Development Programme shows rapid growth in Asia’s middle class. (with Simon Ramsey)

Tibetan self-immolations spark China tension (3/10/13) Restive region commemorates anniversary of 1959 uprising as number of fiery suicide bids surges past 100 incidents. (with Joshua Eaton and Halftone)

Infographic: Endangered species: Going, going, gone (3/2/13) Wildlife and plants under increasing threat due to illegal global trade, as 177 countries gather to discuss the problem. (with Ben Willers)

Infographic: Picking new Pope from Papabili (2/27/13)  After formal resignation of Benedict XVI on February 28, conclave of Vatican cardinals will select new church leader. (with Ted Regencia and Simon Ramsey)

The rise of Europe’s far-right voices (2/24/13) Assessing key nationalist political parties across the continent. (with Mohammed Haddad)

Interactive: Spinning America’s economy (10/25/12) Roll our Economy Cube to see how jobs, inflation, stocks, taxes and debt have fared in the last four years of Obama. (with Sam Bollier and Kai Chang)
Interactive: World nuclear club (05/24/12) While 14 nations host nuclear weapons, 30 countries generate atomic energy, and another 18 are building future reactors. (with Mohammed Haddad)
Map: US bases encircle Iran (05/01/12) Dozens of US and allied forces’ military installations dot the region, from Oman, UAE and Kuwait to Turkey and Israel.

Map: Exclusive aerial images of Syria (04/29/12) Click on neighbourhoods in Homs and Idlib for close-ups of army deployments and widespread destruction. (with Mohammed Haddad)
Interactive: Full Egypt election results (02/01/12) One year after revolution, we examine the final tally of three rounds of parliamentary voting that began November 28. (with Mohammed Haddad, Evan Hill, and
Interactive: Mapping Iran’s nuclear sites (01/12/12) Zoom for info on enrichment centres, reactors, uranium mines and Middle East’s first civilian nuclear power plant.
Infographic: US ends Iraq war chapter (12/22/11) A deeper look at Iraq’s ethnic composition, military bases, private contractors, casualties and oil fields. (with Sam Bollier and
Map: Weekly West Bank protests (07/15/11) Weekly pro-Palestinian rallies at flash points such as Bilin and Sheikh Jarrah call attention to Israeli ‘land grabs’.
Map: Charting the Freedom Flotilla II (07/06/11) Approximate location of 10 ships attempting to break Israeli naval blockade and reach the Gaza Strip.
Map: Russian plane crashes since 2001 (06/21/11) Fourteen major accidents have occurred since 2001 on airlines flying to or from Russia and former Soviet countries.
Map: NATO attacks on Libyan cities (06/04/11) View the geographic spread of nearly 1,000 coalition air strikes on Gaddafi’s pro-government forces.
Interactive: Deadly 2011 US tornado season (05/29/11) View map of tornadoes that have ripped through Alabama, Missouri and other states, causing over 500 deaths.
Map: 2011 cyber attacks in the US (06/17/11) Hackers take down CIA website, steal Sony user data and cause mayhem for Google online security.
Egypt: A revolution in 18 days (03/10/11) Explore our interactive narrative of Egypt’s political transformation, culminating in Mubarak’s ouster. (with Omar Khalifa and Storyplanet)

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